We are thrilled to announce that on July 16th, we successfully closed on a significant property acquisition! This milestone is a testament to our shared commitment to conservation and the protection of our natural heritage.
Protecting Gopher Tortoises: A Rare Opportunity
The Korn Tract: A Strategic Acquisition
The 302-acre property, known as the Korn Tract, features longleaf pine, wiregrass, and most importantly, state-endangered gopher tortoises. The property provides a home to at least 12 other rare species, including red-cockaded woodpeckers, Eastern coral snakes, Swainson’s warblers, spotted turtles, and several declining fish species. The Korn Tract was actively listed for sale at the end of 2023, and its species and habitats would have been in jeopardy if the property fell into the wrong hands. Despite the challenge presented by purchasing a sizable and expensive property, Aiken Land Conservancy (ALC) rose to the occasion. Staff navigated through a complex (and expensive) due diligence process to ensure that everything was set to apply for funding assistance to purchase the land.
Successful Funding and Future Plans
Thanks to a generous grant of $1,090,000 from the South Carolina Conservation Bank (SCCB), we were able to close on the Korn Tract. ALC will hold the property until the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources can purchase it from us to add to the adjacent Aiken Gopher Tortoise Heritage Preserve. Once incorporated into the Preserve, the land will be managed with prescribed fire and made accessible for the public to enjoy for generations to come.